Fishing Report 6/4 – 6/11/2017
Things are slowly starting to pick up here at Silver Lake despite all the extra cold water, the wind and the lack of fishing shoreline due to water levels. We saw some really nice fish this past week come in with anglers doing well both from the shore of Silver Lake as well as out in boats. We are still seeing the best results up near the surface due to the cold water temperatures which are sitting around 47 degrees. Anglers saw some really good results this past week using Power Baits from Pinch Crawlers to Garlic to multiple bright colors, as well as good old fashioned Night Crawlers. There are a lot of fish out in the lake but the cold waters are slowing them down a little as well as all the new hiding spots they are finding with the mass amounts of water which are dumping into Silver Lake on a daily basis. To say that the lake is full would be an understatement, as I don’t recall ever seeing this much water in Silver this early in the season before. However, this is a great problem to have as it was much needed and is cleaning some areas of Silver and Rush Creek out that haven’t been cleaned out in years. Be patient both with the water and the fishing and it will pay off.
DFW is scheduled to stock both Silver Lake and Rush Creek this week and we should be receiving another great load of Desert Springs 3 to 5 pounders in the next two weeks so fishing will only continue to get better.
This next week, on Saturday June 17th, we will be having our annual Rush Creek Trash Clean Up so if you are in the area swing on by and help us to keep the area beautiful and pristine for all to enjoy. The clean up will start at 8am in the Silver Lake Boat launch and will be followed by a free BBQ lunch for all who help between 11 am and noon.
Happy Fishing and We Will See You at The Lake!!!