Opening Weekend 2022!!

Opening Weekend 2022 was a huge success, with great weather and some really nice Fish!!
The weather on Saturday morning was just about perfect and the fishing here on Silver Lake didn’t disappoint, as we saw a ton of fish that we weighed in here at the store that tipped the scales between 2 and 3 pounds and we saw several nice 3 to 5 pounders and even saw a nice 8 pound 5 oz caught on Power Bait and a beautiful 9 pound Rainbow caught using a Thomas Buoyant brought in Sunday evening. We did get two nice loads of Rainbows brought in from Oregon and Desert Springs Hatchery before the Opener which certainly helped things here at Silver Lake. We are on schedule to get a load of 400 pounds from Desert Springs about every three weeks throughout the summer so we are anticipating seeing some good quality Rainbows tipping the scales throughout the summer. It is looking like a really busy Summer Season here in the June Lake Loop and Silver Lake Resort, so plan early and stay as long as you can to enjoy not only the June Lake Loop but the entire Eastern Sierra!!

Happy Fishing and We Will See You at the Lake!!

Margie Handy landed this beautiful 9 pound Rainbow fishing from her boat on Silver Lake Sunday Evening. As always she out fished her husband by using a Thomas Buoyant Gold/Red. Great Fish Margie and a nice way to start off the 2022 Fishing Season here at Silver Lake!!