
Due to the United States Forest Service Temporary Closure of All California National Forest (see Inyo Forest News Updates: due to extreme fire danger throughout the state, which includes the Inyo National Forest that Silver Lake Resort is on, we are forced by law to have everyone depart the premises by noon Tuesday, September 8th, 2020. This is not a Silver Lake Resort request, this is a United States Forest Service Closure which we must abide by for the safety and well being of our Forests. There is no set time line for reopening, the closure will last at a least a week, if not longer. According to US Forest Service Officials, they will evaluate fire danger daily and will allow the Forests to Re-open to the general public when deemed safe for all. Please know that the entire Silver Lake Resort Family will be ready to open the minute we are allowed to by US Forest Service jurisdictions. We also want to make sure everyone understands that we are not in fire danger or evacuation, only that the US Forest is being proactive in this years extreme fire danger. Unfortunately, not only are we closing our RV Park and Cabins, we are forced to close our store, restaurant, and marina as well. We will keep everyone informed on when we are able to reopen. We apologize about any inconvenience this may cause and we hope to get open very soon.
The Jones Family and the Entire SLR Team