Fishing Report 9/17 – 9/24/2018

This is Part 2 of this weeks fishing report due to so many larger fish being caught here at Silver Lake.  We didn’t want to leave anyone out of their ability to gloat to their fishing buddies and families!!!


Following is the official statement from Fish Springs hatchery (as of 9/7/18).

Unfortunately, Fish Springs Hatchery, which supplies trout for many of the waters in Inyo and Mono Counties, experienced an influx of supersaturated gasses in the groundwater supply earlier this year.  This uncontrolled environmental situation caused an outbreak of Gas Bubble Disease (GBD), whereby excess gases become trapped in the fish’s bloodstream and tissues (similar to a diver experiencing the “bends”).  This disease proved fatal for many of the hatchery’s fish, and reduced the inventory to such that there will be no further fish plants coming from Fish Springs for the remainder of the calendar year.

The smaller trout, which were on hand during the period of super saturation, are showing some signs of GBD, but not to the extent of the larger fish.  It is our expectation that we will have enough fish on hand to grow up to “catchable” size to meet our goals for the upcoming 2019 season.


Don’t Worry Though as we here at Silver Lake Resort  have Purchased two more loads of Desert Springs Hatchery out of Oregon to Help Compensate for this unfortunate issue!!!


Happy Fishing and We Will See You at The Lake!!!

Peggy Limi of Bakersfield landed this beautiful 5 pound 6 oz Rainbow fishing from the shore of Silver Lake using Berkley Pinch Crawlers. Great Rainbow Peggy!!!