Fishing Report 8/31 – 9/6/15

When it hits, it hits hard!!! Fishing was relatively slow this past week due to some heavy winds but the weather cooled off this Saturday and everything woke up and showed some great signs of life. We had well over ten fish that were brought in this weekend that weighed in at over 2 pounds and three Monster Rainbows weighing in over 6 pounds. The cooler weather has helped to start to bring up the bigger fish and should continue to keep fishing strong. We did receive a load of DFW fish on Tuesday but didn’t get a load of Desert Springs Big Fish like we expected so these bigger fish have been in the lake for a while. Anglers saw the best results this week still using Berkley Mice Tails in a Pink, Red or Orange color and Berkley Power Baits in a Rainbow, Yellow or Orange color with Glitter and Garlic. The fish are out there and should only continue to show good signs in the weeks to come.
Yesterday was also our last big bash of the season as we had our Annual Labor Day Chris Jones Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser, BBQ and Horseshoe Tournament and what a spectacular day it was. The Horseshoe Tournament was won by Jason and Christi Barrett who swept through the competition in route to a solid victory!!! Nice Job guys!!! It was a beautiful day and the wind stayed down as fun was had by all at the BBQ and Raffle. The day was a huge success for the Chris Jones Memorial Scholarship due to all of our Family, Friends and Guests. The Patchwork of Love Quilt that was hand made by so many of our wonderful guest was raffled off after selling tickets for it all summer. A big thank you to Veronica Dibble, Barbra Waight, Brian and Kathy Sperkoski, Cheryl Clapper, Delane Turner, Judy Ceppaglia, Linda Shaw, Loretta Sands, Lynne Reagan, Mimi Myers, Billie Foster, Cathy Fairchild, Dee Kimberlin, Jane Miller, Liz Williams, Lori Kelley, Melanie Ristow, Nancy Lemire for their love and care in making the Quilt. A huge thank you to Pam Klemke for her help in the Quilt but most importantly for always lending a helping hand at our Scholarship events. We could not provide the Scholarships we give to local graduating High School Seniors without everyone’s help and support. Thank you all very much. Yesterday’s event was an enormous success thanks to all who were able to be a part of it!!!!
Happy Fishing and We Will See You at the Lake!!!