Fishing Report 7/19 – 7/27/19

Night Crawlers
Did someone say that worms are working well at Silver Lake and Rush Creek??
That is what the rumor here at Silver Lake Resort is. In fact, not a rumor at all. Majority of the fish brought in to be weighed this week at the Silver Lake Resort store have been caught on a Night Crawler or something resembling a worm, as in a Mouse Tail or Pinch Crawler. The temperature in the lake is finally about perfect, sitting at 56 to 58 which has been a long time coming this season. However, we all know that Patience is a Virtue and it would eventually warm up. Now, before we know it, we will be complaining that it is to warm. In case I haven’t mentioned it yet, Night Crawlers have been doing really well this past week, as have Pinch Crawlers!!!
DFG stocked this past Monday and we are on schedule for this coming week and are also expecting a nice load of Desert Springs Rainbows sometime later in this coming week. The fish are out there and appear to be interested in Night Crawlers and Pinch Crawlers in case you haven’t picked that up yet. Rush Creek has been producing some really nice Rainbows lately too, as the water levels slowly start to subside from all the snow-melt this past winter. Walk along the shore of Rush and see if you can’t find a nice slow spot to toss some lures, dry flies or even… “Yes” Night Crawlers.
Happy Fishing and We Will See You at The Lake!!