Fishing Report 6/22 – 7/1
Here Fishy Fishy Fishy!!!!
Things are slowly starting to heat up here at Silver Lake, in the catching department, as the water temperature creeps warmer and the fish are starting to get more active. There is no doubt that there is lots of fish to be had in Silver Lake, the only question is at what depth in the water are they hanging out. To answer that question, you have to put in a little work and play with the length of your leader to find out. I always suggest starting at about three feet and go longer after that. As the water continues to warm up and the fish are all over the board on where and what depth they will be found, but worms, Power Baits and some different lures with a spoon pattern seem to be doing pretty well out there on the water. Rush Creek is still flowing at max volume as we are still getting a ton of water from snow melt in the high country but if you find a nice spot down on the creek, think about tossing a small lure or a fly and a bubble – bugs are out in full force. As I always like to say, try different things in different areas. The fish are out there, but they will never make it easy for you to catch. Change things up, think about what you are doing and where you are, as you might need to do something different to catch those fishies!! The lake received 4 loads of fish over the past week with two loads from DFW and two loads from Desert Springs (one by Southern California Edison – Thanks) and we are expecting two more loads at the start of the week with a load from DFW and another load from Desert Springs hatchery in Oregon, so please don’t say there aren’t any fish in Silver Lake!!! We haven’t had this many loads of fish put into the lake in a long time. Smile, stay off your phone, enjoy the fact that you aren’t at work or traffic and try different fishing methods from what you are use to!!! The catching is a bonus!!!
Don’t forget that this next week Silver Lake Resort will be having its Annual Horseshoe Tournament and BBQ on Thursday July 4th. First Horseshoe will throw at 11am and will be limited to the first 30 teams to sign up by 10am – so don’t wait because it will fill up. BBQ should start around noon with lots of Raffles and fun to be had by all!!! Come celebrate the 4th of July at Silver Lake Resort.
Happy Fishing and We Will See You at The Lake!!!