Fishing Report 10/12 – 10/17/15

The fishing on Silver Lake has seen some really good action lately despite the drastic changes in temperature over the past few weeks. We have started to see some really good action near the surface of the lake mostly early in the mornings when its much cooler. Both shore and boat fishing has stayed consistent lately with some gorgeous larger Rainbows and an occasional Brown showing up. Anglers have seen the best results near the surface with a larger streamer fly like a Black or Green Wooly Worm Fly or a Rainbow Hornberg. Once the sun hits the water anglers are seeing good results back down near the bottom of the lake using Mice Tails, Berkley Garlic Pinch Crawlers and Dough Baits with some Garlic Flavor in them. The ever consistent Thomas Buoyant Gold/Red also continues to see some good action.
This will be the last fishing report of the season as Silver Lake Resort closes for the season this Monday October 19, but the fishing season will continue to go in the Loop and Eastern Sierras until November 15. Just a quick note to all of our Guests and Friends who have made Silver Lake Resort the place we all love and enjoy, “Thank You!!” We hope those of you that were able to come up to the beautiful Sierra Nevada, The June Lake Loop and Silver Lake Resort had a great summer and enjoyed yourselves as we enjoyed having you. We hope we have been able to provide you and your family great memories and vacations and we look forward to next Summer as Silver Lake Resort will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary!!!! Look for information on our web page, and newsletters that we will send out this Winter about different activities and events we will be having throughout the 2016 Summer Season for the 100th Anniversary. Also keep track over the live web cams throughout the Winter as we all hope to see nothing but snow accumulating on the ground!!
Happy Fishing and We Will See You Next Spring April 29, 2016 at the Lake!!!