Fishing Report 10/1 – 10/8/17

The Aspens are changing color and the weather is nice one day and cold the next, there are more people in the area with cameras then fishing gear. What does that mean? It must be Fall in the Eastern Sierra!! That however, has not dampened the fishing here at Silver Lake, as anglers have continued to bring in some really nice Rainbows. Our stringers of fish have slowed down this week, partly due to the Full Harvest Moon and DFW not stocking this past week. However, we have seen some great larger Rainbows come in this week due to a great 400 pound stock of Desert Springs Rainbows we put in this past Wednesday. Those big boys took a day or so to settle into the waters but they are out hunting for some good food anglers are tossing in front of their noses, like Berkley Pinch Crawlers, Garlic Dough Baits, Night Crawlers, Thomas Buoyants, Rooster Tails and still some good dry fly (Elk Hare Caddis, Red Humpy) and streamer (Olive Matuka, Rainbow Hornberg) action on those non-freezing mornings. Continue to keep that leader on the longer side, about 5 feet to stay above the weeds but as we stay colder make that leader a little shorter too, as the weeds will start to die off as the season dwindles away. Speaking of the season dwindling away, while the fishing season goes until November 15, Silver Lake Resort will be closing for the season as scheduled on Monday, October 16 at noon so don’t wait to come on up and see the spectacular fall colors, get some fishing in and enjoy one more breakfast or lunch at the Silver Lake Resort Café open daily from 7am till 2pm. The fishing seems to be relatively consistent along the shore line where Alger creek dumps into the lake and at the far end of Silver Lake where Rush Creek flows into Silver Lake as those fish like to catch what the creeks bring into the waters. We are on schedule to receive a load from DFW this week, that combined with this past weeks Desert Springs 400 pounds we received should help keep fishing good here at Silver Lake and throughout the entire loop.
For those leaf peepers, this next week here at Silver Lake, along Rush Creek and throughout the entire June Lake Loop, the fall colors should be at their peak with gold, orange and beauty!!! Word on the street has it that Lundy Canyon is also spectacular right now, as is Lee Vining Canyon!!! Don’t wait, as these colors can be gone in a heart beat.
Happy Fishing and Leaf Peeping and We Will See You at The Lake!!!