Fishing Reports
Night Crawlers What???? Did someone say that worms are working well at Silver Lake and Rush Creek?? That is what the rumor here at Silver Lake Resort is. In fact, not a rumor at all. Majority of the fish brought in to be weighed this week at the Silver Lake Resort store have been caught on a Night Crawler or something resembling a worm, as…
Pictures speak for themselves this week!!! The weather is beautiful and the fishing is great, for most people, here at Silver Lake this past week. The water temperatures slowly continue to rise with it sitting in the neighborhood of 53 degrees, which has made fishing pretty good with a lot of nice 3 to 5 pound Rainbows being brought in and more Browns being caught…
Finally The Catching is Better then the Fishing!!! …Just Ask The Ladies!!! If you aren’t catching fish in Silver Lake over this past weekend, you might want to look yourself in the mirror and admit you are doing something wrong when it comes to fishing. Rainbows of all sizes are being pulled out of Silver Lake this past week thanks to the continues warm up…
Happy Fourth of July Week!!!! We hope that everyone is enjoying the fourth of July week long celebration and that you are able to spend some time with family and friends. Here at Silver Lake Resort, we have been busy with our own BBQ’s and Horseshoe tournaments, stocking lots of beautiful Desert Springs Rainbows and enjoying the beauty of the June Lake Loop and…
Here Fishy Fishy Fishy!!!! Things are slowly starting to heat up here at Silver Lake, in the catching department, as the water temperature creeps warmer and the fish are starting to get more active. There is no doubt that there is lots of fish to be had in Silver Lake, the only question is at what depth in the water are they hanging out. To…
The 2019 Silver Lake Fly Fishing Academy Another incredible year at the Silver Lake Fly Fishing Academy was enjoyed by everyone last week. This year we had 21 young Anglers go through the Academy where they were taught, showed and experience from the Eastern Sierras’ Best Guides how to fly fish, tie tippet and leader, wade safely in creeks and streams, become educated on rules…
SUMMER IS HERE!!! Yippeeeeeeee!!!! After all the good thoughts and wishing for summer to be here and warm up in the Eastern Sierra, it finally has woken up and given us some much needed sun and fun. With the sun and warm has come lots of water that is pouring out of the high country and dumping into all the lakes and tributaries, which is…
Please Take a Break Mother Nature!!! We love you, We understand your Might and Fury!!!! But we are done and ready for some steady summer sun and fun!! It has been another roller coaster ride of weather here in the beautiful Eastern Sierras with Rain, Wind, Cold and a slight glimpse of Sun. Needless to say, the fishing has been a struggle and the catching…
This Memorial Weekend, we need to stop, slow down and remember that the reason why we are able to go fishing and enjoy the beautiful Eastern Sierra is because of the great sacrifices that have been made by so many men and women in the United States Armed Forces. Thank you to our great men and women who have sacrificed, served and are active Military…
Is the Fishing at Silver Lake Slower because there are less people fishing or slower because the fish aren’t biting??? Great Question that only the “Catching Gods” can answer!!! We have seen less fish being brought in over the past week but it is also slower here in the June Lake Loop with the numbers of fishermen we are seeing. We still had a pretty…