Opening Weekend 2018 4/28 – 5/1/2018

Welcome to The 2018 Season!!!

The 2018 season officially opened at 5:04am on Saturday morning and all those crazy fishermen, fisherwomen and fisherchildren where out on the lakes throughout the loop bright and early.  It, as usual was a cold, windy weekend but that never stops our diehard anglers here in the Eastern Sierra.  The wind stayed somewhat calm for most of the day Saturday, allowing for some really good results to the start of the season.  Silver Lake produced some really nice fish including the top three big boys throughout the loop.  Jake Peppard landed a beast of a 7 pound Rainbow from Silver Lake and young Silas Stoll, age 7, landed a few big boys weighing in at 5 pounds 9 ounces, 4 pounds 8 ounces and 2 pounds 1 ounces.  The Schultz/Doolittle Clan had an incredible day as a family with Dave landing a 5 pound 2 ounce Rainbow, Dawn landing a 4 pound 12 ounce Rainbow, Zach landing a 3 pound 13 ounce Rainbow and Trevor landing a beautiful 2 pound 7 ounce Cutthroat.  Now that is a good day for a great family!!!

Silver Lake was loaded up with a great 600 pound load of 2 to 3 pounders the Thursday before opener from Desert Spring Hatchery and we are on the list for a nice load of catchables from DFW this week as well so there should be no lack of fish to be caught and enjoyed by all!!!

If you haven’t planned and reserved your vacation here in the Eastern Sierra you better start thinking about it and get it booked as things are starting to fill up for the summer and we don’t want anyone to miss the beauty of the entire Eastern Sierra.  The Silver Lake store and Boat Rentals are open everyday from 7 am to 7 pm and our world famous café is open daily from 7 am to 2 pm.

We look forward to serving you and your entire family and friends throughout the coming season.

Silas Stoll Age 7 of San Diego landed these beautiful 5 pound 9 oz, 4 pound 8 oz and 2 pound 1 oz Rainbows with a little help from his dad on Saturday using Berkeley Power Baits.  It turned out that young Silas won the June Lake Loop Monster Trout Contest for the biggest fish caught in the Loop on Saturday of Opening Day.  Awesome job young Silas.  Hooked another fishermen for life!!!!