Opening Weekend 2024
What an absolutely spectacular weekend up here in the Eastern High Sierra. After a cold, windy, snowy day on Friday, we were treated with an almost perfect Saturday for the Opening of Fishing Season here in the Region. Besides a little early morning frost, the weather was amazing, which translated into even better fishing throughout the weekend. Almost every angler we talked to had crazy good success with lots of little stockers and some really beautiful larger 3 to 5 pound Rainbows. This success was due to DFW appearing to be getting back to some really good and healthy stocking of those pan size Rainbows at the end of last season and the start of this season, as well as a nice healthy truckload that came last week from Desert Springs Trout Farm to dump in 600 pounds of 2 to 4 pounders courtesy of Mono County Tourism and the Fish Stocking Collective spearheaded by Ernie’s Tackle Shop her in the Loop. Look for DFW to be back onto a normal once a week stocking in all the lakes and we plan on getting a nice load of Desert Springs Big Rainbows about every three weeks throughout the season. With lots of water in the lakes and back to normal stockings, it looks like it will be a spectacular summer here in the Loop!!!
The Biggest Fish weighed in the Loop on Saturday came out of Silver Lake weighing in at 8 pounds 6oz caught by Scott Headland of Taft, using a Sierra Slammer. Unfortunately we didn’t get a picture of his Monster but it was weighed in at Ernie’s and won the Monster Trout contest!! We had lots of 6 to 8 pounders that tipped the scales here at Silver Lake Resort and an unbelievable amount of 2 to 5 pounders brought in, majority being caught on various Berkley Baits from Rainbow Glitter Garlic, Mice Tails and Pinch Crawlers. We also saw a lot of success on lures with bright colors like Needle Fish, Character Lures, Thomas Buoyant, The Mook and Golden State Fishing Jigs, just to name a few of the good ones. Check out our Facebook Page – Silver Lake Resort June Lake CA or our Instagram Page @ silverlakeresort (all run by the Famous Samantha Jones) for all the fish pics from the entire weekend.
We are off to a Spectacular Start here at Silver Lake Resort and we are excited for the coming summer season and hope to see you all at some point this season. The Store here at Silver Lake Resort is Open Daily from 7am to 7pm with Boat Rentals available and our Amazing Café is Open Daily for breakfast and Lunch from 7am to 2pm.
Happy Fishing and We Will See You at the Lake!!