Fishing Report 6/14 – 6/26/2021

In Honor of Summer Officially arriving this past week, I think we will dedicate this weeks fishing Report to all the kids!!! After an extremely hard year with zoom classes, limited sports and time with friends, we here at Silver Lake Resort say…. Let’s Get Outside and Catch Some Fish!!! That is exactly what we are starting to see around here, as the kids are out fishing and most are even catching some really nice stringers and some bigger 3 to 5 pound Rainbows, with success both from the shore and from a boat. Per usual, anglers are seeing decent success using good old Night Crawlers in the early mornings and later afternoons when the water is a little cooler, with success being had mid day using Berkley Products like Mice Tails, Pinch Crawlers and Power Baits. Nothing really new on this front. The average water temperature four feet below the surface is sitting at around 59-61 degrees, so we should be seeing the better action down towards the bottom of the lake, as those fish will be looking for some cooler waters to feed in.
With the 4th of July Holiday already right around the corner, don’t forget that we will be happily having our Annul Chris Jones Memorial Horseshoe Tournament ad BBQ, after having to take a year off, on Sunday July the 4th. We will have our Horseshoe Tournament starting at 11am, limited to the first 32 Teams that sign up and the BBQ will start around noon with good old Hotdogs and Hamburgers, with raffles going throughout the day. All Monies raised will go to the Chris Jones Memorial Scholarship given out to local graduating high school kids to assist them with their further education. Come on out and enjoy a great day of Horseshoes and BBQ to celebrate the 4th of July. Also, on Tuesday July 6th from 4pm to 6pm in the RV Park Picnic area we will have some live music by Fiddler/Singer-Songwriter Chris Murphy and Friends – Folk, Blues & Gypsy Violin Music by the Campfire. Come on out for that nd enjoy a nice evening with friends and family!!!

Lots going on, so get on up to the beautiful Eastern Sierra and the June Lake Loop and enjoy it!!

Happy Fishing and We Will See You at The Lake!!

Here is this weeks Stocking Report: Silver Lake received 3 full loads of fish this past week. One 200 pound load of 3 to 5 Rainbows from Desert Springs Hatchery in Oregon bought by June Lake’s Trophy Trout Program through Ernie’s Tackle Shop and Dan’s Guide Service and all of our wonderful guests who added a few bucks to the buckets spread out throughout the Loop. A great Program that is really helping make a difference. Also, in that same load an additional 200 pounds of 3 to 5 pounders paid for by Silver Lake Resort. I am also very happy to announce that we received two loads of DFW State fish on Thursday, which was not expected but very happy to have received. Look for another Desert Springs Load of Big Rainbows to be coming sometime the week before the 4th of July. There are lots of fish out in the local lakes, you just have to work a little harder some days to catch them. It won’t ever be like things use to be, but a little hard work to be rewarded with a nice big fat Rainbow won’t hurt anyone!!! See Everyone in the Loop!!