Fishing Report 8/3 – 8/11/19

The Fishing on Silver Lake is as Spectacular as it always is…. but the Catching side of things have slowed down this past week compared to the previous week.  Maybe due to the winds that we had most of this past week, or maybe because the water temperature is warming up (59 – 61 degrees) which is causing this fish to look for some deeper, cooler waters.  We still saw a fair amount of bigger Rainbows brought into the store but we didn’t see as many stringers as we have been seeing.  The lake temperature sure plays a role in the catching side of fishing and we are an easy month behind in temperature from where we normally would be in the middle of August.  With that said – and I think I say it every week – if you want to be successful in catching trout here at Silver Lake, you need to hunt for the trout.  Meaning, you need to adjust the length of your leader until you find the depth that the trout are hanging out in.  Sometimes that might be 1 foot, all the way up to 5 feet and everywhere in between.  Worms have continued to be the most consistent Bait on silver Lake, as have the standard Mice tails and dough baits with Garlic in them.  Rush Creek is finally starting to come around this year after a heavy summer of run off.  Anglers have done well on Rush using worms or Salmon eggs and tossing some dry flies like a Grey Hackle or Sierra Bright Dot.  Give it all a try as we have lots of bugs around here this year.  DFW is still on schedule, like they have been all season, to drop a load of catchables into Silver Lake and Rush Creek this next week and we should be getting another load of Desert Springs Rainbows at the end of this week or next week.  There are still a lot of fish to be caught here at Silver Lake, all waiting for someone to find their hiding spots in the depths of the lake.

Keep in mind as summer slowly begins to fade and kids start to go back to school, Silver Lake will hold its last big bash of the season when we host our Annual Horseshoe Tournament and BBQ on Saturday August 31st for Labor Day Weekend.  We will limit the horseshoe tournament to the first 30 teams that sign up so make sure you get yourself signed up for another great horseshoe tournament and BBQ!!!

Amber Gaudreau of Wasco, California had a great day fishing from a boat on Silver Lake using worms and Pink Mice Tails.  This young lady can fish!!!  Nice job Amber.